At this time we encourage all of our patients that are eligible for the CDCP to apply.

For the time being our office is only accepting the CDCP for existing patients

We are unable to accept new patients under the CDCP until further notice. 


The Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP), at full implementation, will allow up to nine million Canadian residents to have their dental care subsidized. 

  • The CDCP is intended to provide dental coverage for Canadians who do not have dental benefits and a household income of less than $90,000 a year with an income-adjusted system of coverage.
  • The CDCP is a dental benefit administered by Health Canada. It is not a free dental program.

  • Patients may be required to make a co-payment of up to 60% depending on their adjusted family net income. They may also have to pay costs the CDCP does not cover.

  • Before proceeding with treatment, it is important to understand your dental care costs. Not all dental services are covered under the CDCP and many procedures have frequency limitations. 


 More information on the CDCP and how to apply can be found at the following link:


Please understand the administration of the CDCP is not as straightforward as other dental benefits and requires more administrative work from our entire team. We are doing our best to incorporate the CDCP into our office systems. If you intend to utilize the CDCP at your next visit, please let us know at the time of booking. Failure to inform us prior to your visit may limit the services provided at your appointment.


Some of the difficulties that we’re working through with the CDCP are:

  • Determination of coverage – CDCP contains procedure frequency limitations unlike other private insurances. Our team is learning to navigate and communicate how this impacts each patient’s coverage and care.
  • Determination of copay – Due to varying tiers of CDCP coverage, and differences between the CDCP and Provincial fee guides, copays may vary patient to patient even for the same procedure
  • Assignment of payment – CDCP does not allow direct reimbursements to patients. As a non-assignment office that has historically billed patients and had them directly reimbursed from their insurances, accepting the CDCP increases the administrative reconciliation on our reception team. Payments from the CDCP typically take several weeks to arrive at our office. 
  • Post treatment verification – Currently both private insurances and CDCP can approve estimates electronically before treatment is performed. However, CDCP may randomly request secondary verification on some claims upon submission for payment. The CDCP withholds payment until this verification process is complete. 


Please be patient with our reception team as they process the CDCP for your care.

Our Provincial and Territorial Associations continue to bring our feedback to the federal government as our profession wants this plan to succeed. We’re hoping in the coming months, more of the administrative wrinkles can be ironed out to allow us to continue to provide exceptional dental care to all of our patients.